e107 v2.2.0 Bootstrap CMS Released

Moc by Moc in Releases

More fixes and improvements

We are very excited to announce the release of e107 v2.2.0!

This major release contains numerous new fatures as well as a great bunch of bug fixes and additional improvements. We recommend everyone upgrade immediately! Additionaly there are some important notes that should be considered when updating to the latest version. Please read these carefully!

Important notes:

  • The minimum PHP version as of 2.2.0 is now set to 5.6. Using PHP 7.1+ is recommended.
  • If you use any PHP version lower than 5.6, your website may break!
  • Bootstrap 4 Library has been updated to latest version: 4.3.1. See examples in the bootstrap4 theme
  • FontAwesome has been updated to the latest version 5.7.2. See examples in the _blank theme (theme.xml and theme.php)
  • db_Fetch() in e_LEGACY_MODE permanently removed. Old plugins should use e107::getDb->fetch('both'); if this is still required.
  • Changes to comments: Any reference to #comments-container (div ID) in the theme must be changed to .comments-container (div class) (#1944)

New features:

  • GDPR features: added "Privacy Policy" and "Terms and conditions" preferences. Added {SIGNUP_GDPR_PRIVACYPOLICY_LINK} and {SIGNUP_GDPR_TERMSANDCONDITIONS_LINK} shortcodes. (#3175 and #3579).
  • Admin Login with email address is now functional
  • Chatbox plugin: new default templates added (#3630)
  • Constats SITENAME SITEDESCRIPTION can be overridden using Englishcustom.php or Englishglobal.php plugin LAN files.
  • Added more styling functionality to {SIGNUP_IMAGES} and {SIGNUP_SIGNUP_TEXT} (#3582) and {LOGIN_*} shortcodes (#3466)
  • Added event triggers for rate/like functionality: user_like_submitted & user_rate_submitted (#3552)
  • Added load() method for the e_admin addon. See _blank plugin for examples. (#3695)
  • New MySQL database export method integrated to increase performance when creating a backup
  • "Under the hood" preparations to clean-up existing code (improving code quality) and introduction of new (database) interfaces for better support of up-to-date technology and easier 'hookings' of other/external interfaces (e.g. databases)
  • For developers: automated tests added in e107-test/code> repository https://github.com/e107inc/e107-test (to prevent bugs from being introduced, rather than having to fix them after they are an issue)
  • FontAwesome is now used by the NextPrev
  • New method added e107::getUserClass()->getUsersInClass
  • News e_related, added {RELATED_DATE} shortcode
  • Added afterPrefsSave() method in Admin-UI (#3799)

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Several improvements to plugin installation and related addons (#3531, #3536, #3592)
  • Improvements to plugin identification when checking for updates (#3711)
  • Several fixes to the Private Messenger plugin (#1758, #3413)
  • Several fixes to the Banner plugin (#3141)
  • Several fixes to the FAQ plugin
  • Several fixes to the Forum plugin: not being able to move a forum post (#3619), forum moderators permissions (#3490), deleting of last post (#3490), forum pagination, newforumposts plugin (#3757), inline editing of forum name was changing SEF URL (#3798)
  • Several fixes to the Download plugin (#3201, #3189, #3199, #2486, #3787)
  • Fixed an issue where the verification of LAN pack would falsely return errors (#3632)
  • Fixes to 'type' => 'country' in the Admin-UI (#3644)
  • Enhancements to the 'search' functionality in Admin-UI across different fields
  • User Extended Field country correctly displayed in User Profile (#3646)
  • User Extended Fields 'read' permission is now properly checked (#1799)
  • Avatars now support 'crop' to allow for non-square images. Simple usage: {USER_AVATAR: w=150&h=150&crop=1&shape=circle} (#3721)
  • Fixed an issue with the Admin Area > Preferences page crashing on specific Windows server environments (#3625)
  • Fixed an issue with the SEF URL configuration when social network tracking queries were used (e.g. Facebook links) (#3546)
  • Several improvements to theme layout detection
  • Improved user_forum_post_report, user_forum_post_report and user_forum_topic_created_probationary event triggers (#3618)
  • Improved filetypes and filesize checks when uploading files (#3507, #3460)
  • Added /contact SEF URL (#3566)
  • Fixed an issue with navigation (site links) icons not resizing properly (#3712)
  • Fixed an issue with list() method in the the e_admin addon (#3695)
  • Fixed an issue with userclasses being reset when 'probationary' user was automatically promoted to 'normal' user (#3657)
  • Rewritten "password reset" functionality to support webmail software pre-loading links. Links expire in 10 minutes now. (#3443)
  • "Required fields" indicator now properly showing on signup page and usersettings (profile) (#3676)
  • Relative datestamp now properly distinguishes between past and future dates (#3605)
  • Improved backwards compatibility when using BBcodes and WYSIWYG editor
  • Fixed an issue with Admin Help text not displaying in correct language (#3485)
  • Several enhancements to handle deprecated mysql_*() methods and improved PDO usage
  • Several compatibility fixes with Bootstrap 4 (#2962, #2969, and others)
  • Several PHP 7 compatibility fixes (#3216, #3596, #3562 and others)
  • PHPMailer upgraded to 5.2.27
  • plupload upgraded to v2.3.6
  • And dozens more fixes and improvements

For a full list of changes, please go here.

Please see our downloads section to download a copy.

Thank you for continuing to use e107. Please feel free to tell us what you think about e107 in our Gitter chatroom!

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source