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  • What are the minimum requirements to run e107?
    • A Web-Server (Apache or Microsoft IIS) 
    • PHP v5.6 or higher with the following libraries installed: xml, cURL, MB String, GD 
    • MySQL 4.x or 5.x.
    • FTP access to your webserver and an ftp program such as Filezilla
  • What is the recommended setup for e107?
    • A Linux based Webserver running Apache 2.x, PHP 7.x and MySQL 5.0 or higher. (LAMP)
    • A Registered Domain Name
    • Access to a Server Control Panel (such as cPanel)
  • How can I install e107 in my own native language?

    Follow the steps of installation, but prior to running the installation wizard do the following: 

    1. Download a language-pack from this website
    2. Unzip it over the top of your e107 root directory. (the one containing class2.php).  After doing this you should find a folder for your language inside the e107_languages directory.
    3. Point your browser to the http://localhost/YOUR FOLDER/install.php (depending on your webserver setup)
    4. In step 1 of the installation wizard, set your language before proceeding.
    Tags: language
  • Is e107 easy to install?

    Yes. Just upload the .zip file to your server's public_html folder and unzip. Then point your browser to the same folder.

  • What is a plugin?
    A plugin is an additional program that integrates with the e107 core system.

    Actually plugins are enhancements to the existing system. Some other CMS systems call it extensions, components or modules.

    Already some core plugins are included in the full install package of e107.

    You can activate them using Admin > Plugin Manager, and click on Install for the ones you want. They will appear in your Admin Area for configuration.

    There are all kinds of plugins: small and large, core plugins and third party plugins. There are plugins for all kinds of purposes.
  • Can e107 run on NGINX webserver?

    Yes, however some changes are required in order for SEF URLS to work correctly.

  • What are the configurations I need to make to run e107 on NGINX?

    Here is an example vhost configuration for nginx. Replace with your own domain.

    		server {
     listen 80;
     return 301$request_uri;
    server {
     listen 443 ssl http2;
     root /var/www/html/;
     index index.php index.html index.htm;
     ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/cert/;
     ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/cert/;
     ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/cert/dhparam.pem;
     ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:20m;
     ssl_session_timeout 60m;
     ssl_stapling on;
     ssl_stapling_verify on;
     ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/nginx/cert/trustchain.crt;
     add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" always;
     ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
     ssl_ciphers ECDH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+3DES:!ADH:!AECDH:!MD5;
     ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
     if (!-e $request_filename) {
     rewrite ^/media/img/(a)?([d]*)x(a)?([d]*)/(.*)?$ /thumb.php?src=e_MEDIA_IMAGE/$5&$1w=$2&$3h=$4 last;
     rewrite ^/media/avatar/(a)?([d]*)x(a)?([d]*)/(.*)?$ /thumb.php?src=e_AVATAR/$5&$1w=$2&$3h=$4 last;
     rewrite "^/media/img/([-A-Za-z0-9+/]*={0,3}).(jpg|gif|png)?$" /thumb.php?id=$1 last;
     rewrite ^/theme/img/(a)?([d]*)x(a)?([d]*)/(.*)?$ /thumb.php?src=e_THEME/$5&$1w=$2&$3h=$4 last;
     rewrite ^/static/[0-9]*/(.*)$ /$1 last;
     location / {
     try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
     location ~ .(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$ {
     expires 30d;
     location ~ .php$ {
     fastcgi_index index.php;
     fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
     include fastcgi_params;
  • How do I change the color of the admin area?

    From the admin area, go to Manage > Theme Manager > Admin Theme 

    At the bottom of the page you will see "Stylesheets". Choose a different stylesheet and then click "Save Options".

  • Every time I post something I get an "Unauthorized Access" message.

    e107 uses various security methods to keep your site protected from abuse. However, some server configurations are incompatible with these methods, usually due to these servers employing similar security methods.

    In order to disable only the parts which may cause you problems, we recommend you add the following code on a new line in your e107_config.php file, and see if that helps. If not, please submit an Issue on Github - we'll do our best to find a solution for you.

    		define('e_SECURITY_LEVEL', 0);
  • I'm using e107 v0.6.x, 0.7.x or v1.x - how should I upgrade to v2.x?

    First, you should make sure you are upgraded to the last release of e107 v1, which is v1.0.4. You can find these files here in the "Version 1 (legacy)" area.

    Choose e107 0.7.x to 1.0.4 Upgrade, if you're unsure which version of 0.7 you are using.

    If you are using 0.6.x, it must be v0.6175 and upgraded using the e107 v0.6175 to 1.0.4 Upgrade package.

    Once you have overwritten your files and ran any necessary database upgrades, you are ready to upgrade to e107 v2.x.

    As usual, you should always back up all your files and database before doing an upgrade.


  • How can I make my own plugins?

    We recommend using the Plugin Builder which is built into e107. You can find it in Admin > Plugin Manager. The plugin builder will build most of your plugin's admin area for you and create any hooks/extensions that you wish to utilize. For details please refer to the documentation on this website.

  • What is Github?

    GitHub is a platform for version control and collaboration. It allows people to work together on projects from anywhere. The development (source code and project management) of e107 takes place on Github. It also the place to report bugs as described on the 'Community' page on this website. 

    Github is also the platform that e107 uses for managing its online translations. 

    If you are a developer, you can also use Github for managing your own projects.

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