e107hacks.org re-opens
Following the closure of e107hacks on December 31st, the site has been taken over by another e107 user and brought back to life for the benefit of everyone who wants to use the hacks already here, or discuss ways to hack the e107 core for everyone's benefit.
Following the closure of e107hacks on December 31st, the site has been taken over by another e107 user and brought back to life for the benefit of everyone who wants to use the hacks already here, or discuss ways to hack the e107 core for everyone's benefit.Taking over from Oz, who had done a fantastic job of building up a range of hacks from various different authors across the e107 community, my name is Simon Paul and I own and manage NSNO.co.uk which is perhaps the most widely used e107 site on the net.
Through running NSNO I have developed a taste for hacking the core of e107 to make the site do what I want it to do, as well as with help from experienced coders from the e107 community, and I feel I can bring a great deal to the community via this site.
I intend to release a number of the hacks I have used myself over time. Many of these hacks have taken inspiration from other e107 users, and some of the hacks I release may even be a direct quote from those users, brought together in one place for ease of use. Wherever possible I will always give credit to those who have inspired - or that I have just copied from - but if I miss you out, please register and let me know!
All the best, and happy hacking!
Submitted by nsno]