what is.
what is. e107Clan.orgFor all people who run a game-related website, be that a clan, team, community, competition or game information portal website; you might have an interest in
why start. e107Clan.orgFor over 2 years I've been running clan- and gamerelated websites. They have all been powered by e107 and it always required a high level of customization. It's now time to share with the community some of my experience and knowledge in this field.
goals of. e107Clan.org- As a community e107clan will be releasing custom plugins, themes and a regularly updated bundle of clan-related plugins and themes together with e107.
- Also I wish to fortify the position of e107 as a possible alternative to the (very bad) competitors like webspell and phpnuke.
plugins of. e107Clan.orgThe first plugin released is called clancodes and is available on both plugins.e107.org and e107clan.org.
This plugin allows any website to add 2 new bbcodes to any form. Once uploaded it's automatically installed (see the plugin menu).
The plugin adds 2 bbcodes to any form; flag and user.
[ dots added to point out the use of bbcode ]
Use the [.flag] bbcode
Add [.flag]uk[/flag] to any post and it will automatically generate a flag.
Use the [.user] bbcode
Use either the player's username or userid; then add [.user]Luceos[/user]. Automatically a flag will be generated and the user's realname with in the middle his/her nickname.
For future releases, support and feedback please visit
Submitted by Luceos]