news.php problems with 0.7.9
As some of you have discovered, there is a potential issue with your news.php page not showing any news items.
As some of you have discovered, there is a potential issue with your news.php page not showing any news items. This is due to the fact that the query to retrieve the news is using a > MySQL 4.x feature (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS).
Those unfortunate among you that are still running a version of MySQL prior to 4.x, at this time you have two choices to fix your sites.
1) Contact your host provider and tell them they're using a way, way old version of MySQL (official production version of 4.0.12 was march 2003). If your host is unable or unwilling to upgrade, this may be a sign to upgrade to a host that will be kept current. Fused Network has always been great to
2) You can use the news.php file from the previous version. People in the forums have reported success with using this version. You can get it here:*checkout*/e107/e107_0.7/news.php?revision=1.120Update: There is now a 'fixed' file in CVS, which should support MySQL3.23 while including the bug fixes made since 0.7.8. You can download this here:*checkout*/e107/e107_0.7/news.php?revision=1.122NOTE: e107 0.8 will definitely require > 4.x