New Release: e107 version 0.7.8 + new dev

CaMer0n by CaMer0n in e107

I've finally found the time to package up a new release.

I've finally found the time to package up a new release. It's probably long overdue based on the number of fixes that are in this release, so here it is...finally!

This release is a bugfix release only (as will all of the 0.7.x future releases). It contains a huge list of fixes. If you are curious, you can find a list of the fixes here:

Also, if you haven't noticed, we have added a new developer (steved) in the past few months. He has jumped in feet first and is fixing a ton of stuff. I was meaning to announce this before but just kept forgetting. My apologies to steved, as well as a big thanks for joining the team. Everyone help me belatedly welcome him to the e107 dev team.

As always, we'd like to thank all of the users for your diligence in posting bugs and patience with us in getting them fixed.

Happy upgrading!

All new downloads are here:

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source