e107 0.7.6 released

CaMer0n by CaMer0n in e107

Just two days shy of six months since the last release, 0.7.6 finally gets released.

Just two days shy of six months since the last release, 0.7.6 finally gets released.

Following the release of 0.7.5, the e107 devs really wanted to make an effort on getting a stable benchmark release for e107. We concentrated on security and stability. Naturally there are many new features included too, but the majority of the coding did concentrate on bug fixes.

Interested in what's new and exciting with e107, there is a great page set up on the wiki that gives a nice rundown of everything done: http://wiki.e107.org/?title=0.7.6_Changelog

The dev team would like to thank all of the users that have posted bugs to the bugtracker, send emails to the devs concerning issues, contacted devs via IRC, and helped out in all the forums. Most of all, we'd like to thank the support team for all of their tremendous help. e107 truly wouldn't succeed without their help.

You can get the new release here: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=63748&package_id=60754&release_id=465604

As always, please make sure you backup all of your existing files as well as your database. Nobody ever expects problems, but please back up first.

Enjoy and please leave comments and continue to post new bugs/suggestions.

For non-English installations of 0.7.6, official utf-8 language packs will be made available here, when ready.

UPDATE: It seems a file has come up missing. It's the adminmenu file for alternate auth configuration. If you use alt_auth, you will need this file.

UPDATE 2: For those of you having the strange characters appear on your site. It is due to the e107_class.php file being saved as utf. An updated file has been added to the zip file below.


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