e107hacks.org Theme Contest

by e107 in e107

Hello Everybody,

Hello Everybody,

e107hacks.org is now running a theme contest for a new theme to stay on the site for a long long time.

This is your chance to show off your theming skills, whether your new at theming or a long time themer.

The whole e107 community recently has become pretty quiet and now is a great chance to start getting a buzz about the place again, a bit of competition smile

So, anyone interested in making a theme for this contest email me at @ with your theme entry, winners will be decided via a vote and full credit for the winner will be given on the e107hacks.org site.

Design wise feel free to come up with something that you think is ideal and fitting for the site.

Good luck to everyone.
[Submitted by Gremlin Prince]

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