e107 tutorials

by admin in e107

A new site is available e107 tutorials

A new site is available e107 tutorials

e107 Tutorials is a site dedicated just for e107 and we will be offering tutorials to do with ALL asects of the e107 CMS, We not only will have written tutorials but some interactive tutorials. e107 Tutorials is managed by: Jlavetan, digitalartist and Krypt (formerly known as 'Lord Stitch'). We hope you find the tutorial you are looking for, Thank you for choosing e107 Tutorials as your learning source! The site will also be home to e107 beta testers. We will betatest hacks and plugins for e107 and provide valuable feedback to the creators. We encourage anyone interested in having their hacks and plugins tested before releasing them to the public check out the site. We are accepting applications from individuals interested in beta testing. DigitalArtist

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source