e107 v2.1

by admin in e107

A fairly major update here, hopefully should clear up the problems some people were getting with register_globals off.

A fairly major update here, hopefully should clear up the problems some people were getting with register_globals off. I\'ve also tightened up the auth routines and a few other things - if you are using e107 you should upgrade to this version.
If you are using your own theme you need to make a minor update to your newsstyle.php file, I\'m using QUERY_STRING now instead of a var passed in the url, so instead of comment.php?id=whatever, it\'s now comment.php?whatever.

Download v2.1 from the e107 page. (There\'s a .tar.gz version there now as well).

Fixed the chatbox problem, download the patch here.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source