Just too overbooked...

by admin in e107

I'm really sorry to announce for different private reasons, I'm not able to continue to work on the e107 project anymore for next weeks (months?

I'm really sorry to announce for different private reasons, I'm not able to continue to work on the e107 project anymore for next weeks (months ?).
It makes me sad, because you know I love this project, but sometimes, there is just no solution to do everything we want to do... And reasons are not bad anyway. smile

I will keep open our site etalkers.org, try to continue to publish newsletter about e107 (hm, yep I know... just too overbooked), let the webring up, try to fix last bugs for our plugins but won't developp new features, sorry (if someone want to continue to developp one of them, no problem of course)...

I will maybe come back later, if other members of the dev team accept me again. I hope them anyway big success with e107 (no doubt about) and for all their projects !!!
These guys are just to good, so e107 can only be better (you think it's not possible ?.. Wait for versions .7 and .8 tongue )

CY later smile
[Submitted by Lolo Irie]

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source