GrafxHeadz v1.1 Released

by admin in e107

GrafxHeadz is a plugin for versions 0.616 and above of e107 that automatically creates a graphic site logo, graphic site buttons and graphic caption headers for you, complete with rollover and drop shadow effects.

GrafxHeadz is a plugin for versions 0.616 and above of e107 that automatically creates a graphic site logo, graphic site buttons and graphic caption headers for you, complete with rollover and drop shadow effects. It works by you uploading your background graphics, which GrafxHeadz will write the relevant text onto using a true type font you have also uploaded. You can even use GrafxHeadz to create your own custom graphics for use in other areas of your website. You can configure your graphics through a admin interface found in the Admin section of your e107 website, once it is installed. To make configuration that much easier, two GrafxHeadz themes are bundled with the plugin. For more information and to see the plugin in action, please visit the GrafxHeadz site at: SweetAs smile [Submitted by SweetAs]
SweetAs has also created a theme section and a tutorial explaining how to use his GrafxHeadz system, you can check them out at

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source