by admin in e107

As many of you know, the server is hosted on had a fatal drive error on Tuesday morning.

As many of you know, the server is hosted on had a fatal drive error on Tuesday morning. This drive held the mysql database, no problem I thought, I've got weekly backups going back to the server change a couple of months ago. So most of the site is restored, the only two big problems are ...
1. The user table couldn't be restored as it was corrupt on all my backups, I have no idea how
2. Forum posts etc made in the last week aren't restored.
Now I've restored a user table that I managed to get off the old server, but this means that if you're a fairly new member you'll have to resign - I sincerely apologize for the inconvinience. Also, existing forum posts don't always match up with who actually posted them - again I'm really sorry. Haven't had much luck with the site lately eh?
Anyway, thanks to gunmuse for getting the server fixed up as soon as he did, and to you for your continuing patience.

I've updated the site to 0.615a, please let me know if you see any problems - thanks.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source