e107: The start of a new era ...
I hate to have to say this, but I've decided to no longer be part of the development team for e107.
I hate to have to say this, but I've decided to no longer be part of the development team for e107.
I haven't spoken to the rest of the dev team about this yet, but I sincerely hope they'll understand. The main reason for this is the continual attacks on the site. They seem to be personally aimed at me and not at e107, so I'm hoping that they'll stop or at least tail off a bit if I'm no longer part of the team. You'll know about the problems with the server, and Gunmuse has been patient and generous enough to not pull the plug completely, as were Terrence and Que before him.
After working a 16 hour shift yesterday and a 14 hour shift today I returned to find I and the site had been severely mailbombed again, and I really have had enough.
It's time for me to take a break anyway, the new dev team are working fantastically together, and a new stable release will be with you soon thanks to them.
I'll still be around on the site, helping out in the forums and in the #e107 channel on freenode, so if anyone wants to drop by and say hello you'll be very welcome. e107 has been a big part of my life for the last 2 years and I've met some really wonderful people through it, so it's been a great project to be part of. I hope you'll all understand why I'm choosing to do this and support the dev team, and continue to use e107 in it's new era.
UpdateGhah, I completely forget to say something that I meant to say ...
To the people who've been attacking the site - I'm not going to bitch and moan at you, I know this is what you do for fun, but
please, is there any chance you could leave the site alone now? We have a community here of good people offering their time for no financial reward, and that includes the person who hosts the site. You can pat yourselves on the back at what you've done, I think you've pretty much accomplished what you set out to do with the upheaval thats been caused and I implore to your better side now to move onto another prject and let this site alone -