e107 v0.604

by admin in

Here's v0.604.

Here's v0.604. There are still a couple of things to do (admin user search routine, xhtml compliance tidying up etc) but I need to make a public release to stem the torrent of "When's it coming out?" emails I'm getting hehe. The main changes are to the admin area, most of the scripts have been rewritten, main site differnces are mainly 'under the hood'. Please submit any bugs you might come across to the bugtracker so I can pin them down as soon as possible (having said that the beta-test team haven't come across anything yet). If you are running 0.603 there is an upgrade script available. Download/unzip/upload the files to your server, overwriting the originals, then go to your admin area where you will see a button to press to update your database structure (main administrator only - if you need to run the update and you aren't the main site admin, contact me and I'll let you know what to do). Don't worry about your content, the only structure changes are to the content and headlines tables, no actual content will be affected. The list of changes can be seen on the changelog page.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source