e107 v0.547beta

by admin in

Notice the release number?

Notice the release number? Hmm yeah sorry I know it's confusing but being at version 5x and still in beta seems more ridiculous every day so I've changed it. Anyway here's the changes ...
[download.php] - rewrote, the one previously released is a bit untidy I think, you can still use it if you prefer it, just change your download links to download2.php. [admin/download.php] - you can now create downloads to external files or files not in the files/downloads folder [ * ] - changed hardcoded admin links so that $admin variable now directs to correct location (thanks Lolo for listing them) [ admin/article.php ] - added option to add email and print icons to articles [ admin/cache.php] - added ability to cache content, speeding up renders and vastly reducing mysql queries [ news.php | admin/frontpage.php] - you can now define what is shown on your front page (obviously defaults to news), option to show splashscreen is incorporated [ * ] - 12 million other tweaks and small fixes smile
There is an upgrade script it you are updating, just run it and follow the instructions.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source