Extended Articles updated

by admin in

Bill Nalens has updated his extended articles plugin ...I've made the updates so that the extended articles plugin works with the latest version of e107 (and it won't work with prior versions).

Bill Nalens has updated his extended articles plugin ...
I've made the updates so that the extended articles plugin works with the latest version of e107 (and it won't work with prior versions). See my site for bugs/comments.
You can download it either from the plugins page or from Bill's site here. Some more info ...
To use extended articles you need to create some articles (with or without children) and enable the menu in the admin - menus pages. To enable the menu, go to admin - menus. Disable the regular Articles menu item. Then enable the Extended Articles menu item. If you haven't created any child articles, you shouldn't notice a difference when doing this step. To create articles, go to admin - plugins - extended articles. From there you can create new top level (parent) articles or second level (child) articles. To create a top level article, just leave the Parent drop down selection on None. To create a child article, simply select the appropriate parent article from the Parent drop down selection. In use, the Articles box will contain a link for each parent article. When this link is clicked two things happen. First the article content will be shown in the main area of the web page. Second, the Articles box will have the child articles enumerated under the selected parent. Clicking on a child article link then brings the child article content to the main section of the page. Extended articles use the same database table as regular articles. The parent articles are created in the same manner as using the regular admin - articles menu. So switching between regular articles and extended articles should present no problem. The child articles are created in a slightly different way though. The are given a content_type = 4 in the database table, so if you switch back to regular articles, you will need to go into the database table and manually change the content_type to 0. Or you could edit each child article in the extended articles admin menu and set each to have a parent of None.
Chees Bill.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source