e107 v5.4 beta 4

by admin in

Beta 4 is now ready for action, see CHANGES.txt for list of err changes (link is in main menu).

Beta 4 is now ready for action, see CHANGES.txt for list of err changes (link is in main menu). The upgrade file (upgrade_b1_to_b4.php) will install the new banner mySQL table, nothing else so your content is safe. Remember not to overwrite your config.php if upgrading! - please keep a backup in case you ever do. This new beta contains the new banner rotation system. You can now set up different campaigns (for instance, one campaign for vertical banners and one for horizontal) and call them seperately from your theme.php by using  . Please also note that banner images are now stored in themes/shared/banners so you may have to move the banner images. Have fun smile

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source