Debug help

by admin in

Could anyone experiencing errors with the new beta please download this small 0.5kb file, unzip it and upload it to their server and run it in the browser, all it does is show a list of variables.

Could anyone experiencing errors with the new beta please download this small 0.5kb file, unzip it and upload it to their server and run it in the browser, all it does is show a list of variables. Then please either paste the results as a comment here or email me the results - thanks for your help. Update #3 I've uploaded the first set of fixed files for the new beta, if you are using 5.4b1 please download/unzip and upload them, new users will find the fixes already incorporated into the core files. For those of you still suffering missing file errors, please run the files/resetcore.php script and see if it helps.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source